By rearing swan we can earn more money. Its meat and eggs are tasty. With swan feather we can make pillow, quilt, cushion etc. we can earn more by selling eggs and meat. It is a disease resistant bird. By eating insects they clean the house and its surroundings.
There are several kinds of swan. Among them Tuluj, China swan, are most prominent. The Tuluj species swan’s neck, abdomen (belly) and tail are white. The male swan weight is up to 14 kg and female swan weight is up to 9 kg. This species of swan’s leg is full with white feathers. The color of China Swan is fully white. The male swan weight is up to 9 kg and female swan weight is up to 8 kg.
The farm or house should be opened and airy. The floor of house may be concrete or raw. The boundary of house will covered with wire net. We have to notice that the floor will not be damp. Every swan need at least 4 square meter of floor area. And every three female swan need 50 square cm of egg laying box at the side line.
Generally swan laid eggs at March and April. They laid more eggs at 2nd and 3rd year than 1st year. Every egg is 144 – 150 gm weight which is 3 times more than poultry or duck egg. At the age of 10th week its weight is 6 – 8 kg.
It can collect food from wasteland. It eat basically grass, moss etc from nature. If we give them facility to collect food from nature the food cost will be very less. At the same time we have to supply them broken wheat, milk powder, coconut meal, meat meal and salt. We also supply them leftover food of our family. It can eat grass with leap and tongue. Children from the age of few weeks can eat grass.
They have no disease at all. If any problem occurs we have to contact with vet immediately.
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