Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Rabbit Species and Benefits

Rabbit is a very innocent animal. It is children  favorite pets. With 2 – 3 kg body weight, more productive and fast growing hare rearing is profitable. We can perform rabbit with a small capital and labor. Rabbit meat is more nutritious and skin is valuable and used to create clothing. Unemployed youth and girl can capitalize in small amount at this sector in a few places and earn good money.

Rabbit Species:
Various species such as white, black, brown, stripe are available in Bangladesh. Among them Dark gray (native), Fox, Dutch, New Zealand red, New Zealand white, New Zealand black, Belgium white and chinchilla are prominent.

Rabbit is very quite and calm animals. Rabbit keeping is very simple and profitable. It can be a profitable business in a less space and less investment. This is a productive and faster growing animal. At 6 month of age, a child begins to buck. It give birth 2 – 8 children at a time and 6 – 8 times in a year. Three month of age its weigh will 2 to 2.5 kg. So this is a productive and faster growing animal. Rabbit is herbivorous. Its food is available. Small amount of food fill their needs. Its meat is very delicious and nutritious. The meat has relatively low amount of fat and cholesterol. The food value of rabbit meat is more than that of any other meat. We can rear rabbit for the following benefits –
It is a fast growing animal and better food skills.
2 – 8 babies bring forth at a time and 6 – 8 times in a year.
More production in a few places, in a short food, in a family level it can rear.
Its meat is more nutrients and delicious and its meat can eat all religious people.
Kitchen utensils, home grass and plant leaves can be used for food.
Family labor can be used successfully.

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