Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Mushroom is a nutritious vegetable. It does not grow on the ground like other general vegetables. It is a parasite of lower class fungi. It takes necessary nutrients from organic mattor for their life.

Mushroom is classic as food. Since ancient times, it is considered as nutritious, delicious and expensive food.
Mushroom is a high-protein vegetable. For this reason it is called vegetable meat. 20 – 30 grams proteins are available per 100 grams (dried mushroom). Mushroom contains vitamin C, B-Complex, potassium, sodium, phosphorous and low quantity calcium and iron. It support the hemoglobin level in blood though it contains low iron because iron are available in blood. Mushroom is a low calorie food. It does not contain any cholesterol and less fat (2% - 8%) but has fatty acid and linoleic acid that are necessary for our body.
Mushroom has moderate amount of carbohydrates and enough fiber (8 - 10). It does not contain starch. The amount of sugar is low in mushroom so for the diabetic patients it is an ideal food. It is also very useful for heart-disease patients because it has low fat, free of cholesterol and full of linoleic acid.

Nutrition of mushroom:
Mushroom is a non-green vegetable. In ancient it was used in Greek, Rome and China. But now a day it is used all over the world. It is a very nutritious food. It contains very much protein (30%). This protein contains all amino acid which is essential for human body. For this reason this protein is a complete protein as animal protein. This protein is faultless and complete for all ages’ men and patients as it has less fat and cholesterol free. It contains a lot of vitamin-E2, niacin, folic acid that measures 1.8 – 5.1, 31 – 65 and 0.30 – 0.64 mg/100 gm. It also a good source of minerals. It contains potassium 26.7 – 47.3 gm, phosphorous 8.7 – 13.9 gm, zinc 47 – 92 mg and copper 5.2 – 35 mg in each kg in dry condition that can supply most vitamins and all minerals for human body.
Environment and Mushroom:
It does not need any pesticide or any kind of chemical fertilizer. It requires agricultural and forestry waste such as rice straw, wheat straw, sugarcane straw, wood flour etc. which pollute the environment as lying here and there. And by using this waste we can get nutritious, tasty and beneficial food. So this cultivation is healthful for environment.
Women’s Employment:
Mushroom cultivation is unique for women’s employment. Women of all classes and ages housewives to service holders ending their household, taking care of their children can grow mushrooms and earn extra income for their family.
Mushroom Industry:
Mushroom is a nutritious and tasty vegetables as a result its demand is worldwide. So we can export it all over the world and in Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and other agricultural countries need not to import any raw materials. And they can export their crops world wide as their production cost is low. It is a populous food world wide now a day and they can export it easily as production cost in the develop countries is high.
Special benefits of Mushroom cultivation:
A fertile land is not required for mushroom cultivation. House side, below trees, waste land, where the sun light can’t fall and therefore can’t grow any harvest the mushrooms can be cultivated. In a piece of land it can grown on shelves so the production can improve several times which is not possible by any other crops. It is a fast growing crop. It grows in a very short time and therefore the manufacturer can get there capital in a short time. It can harvest in 6 – 7 days after cutting the spawn packet. It is almost a risk-free cultivation.  It cultivates in houses therefore natural disasters especially drought, flood, hail damage, etc can’t damage it.
Alternative use of Mushroom products:
Mushroom products have the greatest role in agricultural development. High quality compost can be created with spent substrate. Rice straw that is used in mushroom production is not destroys at all but increases the value as cattle feed. If we use waste straw in mushroom cultivation as cattle feed increases production capacity in the health of animal resources. Then the excreta (sanitary) from the animal resources can make Bharmi Compost and that can use on agricultural land.

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