Collecting bee from their natural environment to a suitable environment in a modern and scientific way for keeping is called beekeeping. Indian bee species are suitable for keeping. The golden color and white stripe bee make hive parallel in tree or other holes for living. They are parallel with entrance. Such housing is consistent with the wood box. This beekeeping in the wood box is modern method. These are the causes-
- When we collect honey from hive then we generally destroy the hive as a result a number of bee die. Except these eggs and baby bee turn ruin. Now a day we use pesticides in the field as a result a number bee die every year. As a result bee harvesting is decreasing gradually. If we rearing them the number of bee will increase.
- Honey has not only nutrition but also diseases mitigating capacity. Generally we get out honey by pressing hives that contains wax, bee eggs, baby bee threshed juice and other waste. But honey collecting in mechanical way is pure as well as collection is full.
- When bee fly over flower to flower then pollen attach to legs and chest fur so they act as carrier that causes pollination. Thus they increase fruit and crop production.
- It as a cottage industry that earns additional income to the low income families.
The Environment:
The boxes should be placed in shadow and dry places. Surrounding environment must be constructed with suitable trees or herb. You can plant some seasonal important plants in various seasons. You should observe that the surrounding area doesn’t cause horrid sound and smoke.
Maintenance (Rearing):
The beekeeping wooden box is consists of different parts. Ground wood, baby bee-house and honey-house, lid and the roof is a different part of bee-house. Sort the rows of wooden frames in baby bee-house and honey-house. Bee makes hive on these frames.Collecting bee and hive from a hole of a tree put their the box. A bee family consist of only a queen, some male, and most of the workers. Creating house, foster children, honey and pollen collection from flowers all work performed by the workers. But if you want to get honey from a bee hive and beekeeping man should taken care of bees. Different types of measures taken in different years and the disease remedy taken care is in beekeeping information. Here we discuss briefly some of the –
a) Seasonal Management: Rearing bee can be divided into three sections.
1)Breeding season- In this time queen bee lays plenty of eggs. So number of bees increase in a short time. In this time plenty of flowers blooms in trees. So workers can collect pollen and honey from flowers. We should set up new frames or new queen instead of old queen at this time.
2) Food reservation Season: In this time plenty of flowers bloom in nature. Baby bees are feed pollen which is collected by workers. They make honey with flower juice and store it in honey cells. We have to supply more new hive so that no lack of honey cells. When 75 percent of honey cells filled with honey and lid them then the honey from the hive to eliminate. If needed we have to move some honey boxes another to collect honey from that locations. We should cover the box at winter night that protects bees from cold.
3) Food crisis period: At this time there is lack of flowers. So bees can’t collect honey and fall into food crisis. Then we should make sugar syrup and put the syrup pots into honey box where a leaf tree on the syrup so that bees can take juice from it. It should be kept at evening time. In bad weather box should be kept on a safety place.
b) Enemies and diseases: Various kinds of enemies and diseases attack them. Here I discus 2 enemies and diseases. They are attack by enemies in a wet and damp weather. We have to clean the box, remove the old and dirty. And clean the floor of the box with POTACIUM PERMANGANET. We have to put a little PARADYCLORO BENJIN in a corner of the box when bees are attacked.
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