Friday, August 24, 2012

Fish Farming

Ruhi Fish:
It is a fish of tasty water. It is suitable for ponds and river. It is a tasty fish.
Physical Characteristic: Its head is comparatively small to body. Upper side portion is more convex than lower side. Lips are thick and fold and have 2 small trunks in front of lip.
Food and Eating habits: Ruhi fish eat food from mid level water. It is carnivorous. It eats animal particles when carp then plant particles, animal particles and rotten organic particles.
Maturity and Reproduction: Ruhi fish grow length up to 1 meter. It becomes maturity within 3 years. In a suitable climate it laid eggs in open water within May to August. We can reproduce eggs artificially in hatchery.

Katala Fish:
It is rapidly growing fish. It is suitable for ponds though it is a fish of river. It is also a tasty fish.
Physical Characteristic: Its head is comparatively large to body. Face is wide and bent to upward. Upper side portion of body is more convex than lower side. Upper lip is thin and lower lip is thick. The upper part of the body is dark gray and sides are silvery. Fins are blackish.
Food and Eating habits: Katala fish eat food from upper level water. It is carnivorous. It eats plant particles and animal particles.
Maturity and Reproduction: Katala fish become 1 meter length in maturity. It becomes sexual maturity within 3 – 5 years. A female Katala fish conceive 15,00,000 – 30,00,000  of eggs. In a suitable climate it laid eggs in open water within June to August. We can also reproduce eggs artificially in hatchery.

Mrigela Fish:
It is a fish of river. It can farm in ponds also. It is a rapidly growing fish. It is a tasty fish.
Physical Characteristic: Its body is long. Its lower body portion is about straight. Upper lip is curve towards bellow and has two small trunks in front of it. The upper part of the body is gray and both sides and lower part are silvery.
Food and Eating habits: Mrigel fish eat food from bottom level of the pond. It is carnivorous. It eats animal particles, little animals and rotten organic materials from clay and bottom level.
Maturity and Reproduction: Mrigel fish become 1 meter length 8 – 9 kg weigh in maturity. It earns sexual maturity in second year. A female Mrigel fish conceive 1,00,000 – 5,00,000  of eggs. In a suitable climate it laid eggs in open water within May to August. We can reproduce eggs artificially in hatchery.

Silver Carp Fish:
It is absolutely fresh water fish. It can farm in ponds also. It is a rapidly growing fish. It is a tasty fish. It is normally born in China and Russia. But its cultivation is worldwide now a day.
Physical Characteristic: Its body is covered with small size scales. Belly side is more convex than back side. Tail is narrow but middle body is wide. Its body is long. Its backside is slightly brown.
Food and Eating habits: Silver fish takes food from upper level of the pond. It normally takes small and rotten plants.
Maturity and Reproduction: Silver fish become 1 meter length and 8 – 9 kg weigh in maturity. It earns sexual maturity in second year. We can reproduce carp artificially in hatchery.

Grass Carp Fish:
It can farm in ponds. It is a rapidly growing fish. It is normally born in ChinaRussia. But its cultivation is worldwide now a day. and
Physical Characteristic: Its body is long. Its lower body portion is about straight. Upper lip is curve towards bellow. Fin of back side is small. The upper part of the body is slightly green. Head is comparatively small to body.
Food and Eating habits: Silver Carp fish eat food from all level of the pond. It is herbivorous. It eats aquatic weeds and green grass.
Reproduction: it doesn’t leave eggs in closed water. In a suitable climate it laid eggs in open water like river. We can reproduce eggs artificially in hatchery.

Mirror Carp:
It is found in temperate region of Asia.
Physical Characteristics: Its body is skate. Head is comparatively small to body. Its body is covered with reddish scales. It has a little number of row scales. Back side is slightly brown and belly side is golden. Scales are big.
Food and Eating habits: It takes food from bottom level of the pond. It is carnivorous. It eats animal particles, little insects and rotten organic materials from clay and bottom level.
Reproduction: It can laid eggs in ponds. It leaves eggs in summer or rainy seasons and winter seasons two times in a year.

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