Thursday, August 23, 2012

Broiler Poultry Farming

Broiler Poultry is well known in many countries in the world now a day. Broilers are breed only for meat production. Any farmer can earn cash through it and maintain his/her family as well. To build up a broiler poultry farm you have to remark some points. There are several hybrid Broiler Poultry breeds all over the world. They are all cross breeding. So they make all the food in to meat if we breed them in a scientific way.  They are as follows.
     Ross Broiler
     Indian River
     Esa Vidate
     B - 77
Residence :
In order to protect from fox, weasel, tit, natural calamities and thieves, they need safety houses. They can’t tolerate severe temperature. So we have to notice about the temperature of the house. We have to be careful the following things when we make house.
Management of houses:
S    election of place: Broiler Poultry can’t like dark anymore. Its house will be airy and lighted. So the place of the house will be open. It will apart from town or dense locality. The house will be open so that air and light can pass through the house as an open place. It is apart from market or main road. It is on the high place     where drain can easily make.
S   ample of house: The shape and area of house depends on the number of Broiler Poultry. Small house is needed for a few numbers of Broiler Poultry and large house is needed for huge number of Broiler Poultry. But long and rectangle house is suitable for it. We have to shade the house in such a way that severe temperature can’t posses in the house. The sustainable temperature of Broiler Poultry is 150 - 250 C and humidity is 60% - 70%.
F  loor: We have to take attention that the floor of the house is not damp and rat can’t enter into the house. Poultry need concrete floor (terrace floor). One Poultry need 900 sq cm of floor area.
L    ight and air: Broiler Poultry can’t like dark at all. Its house will be airy and lighted. Artificial light helps its in physical growth. Baby poultry need artificial light at night. As a result they eat much food and they grow physically easily. For this one 60 watt bulb need for 300 sq. ft. area.
    Humidity: Generally natural weather is suitable for physical growth, hair growing. 60% - 70% humidity is suitable for it.
    Temperature: Generally 150C – 230C temperature is suitable for poultry.
     Ventilation: Ceiling of the house is 1.5 meter high from the floor. 60 cm from the of the Ceiling of surrounding walls require wire net or bamboo sticks fence so that air can blow easily through the house.

      Water: They need sufficient pure drinking water.
Food management: We have to supply adequate food for Broiler Poultry otherwise their growth will not satisfy our expectation. So we have to supply food as soon as on the feeder when it finish. At the age of 1 – 4 weeks they need 23% protein and 20% at 4 – 8 weeks. We have supply them balance diet as well. Here is a balance food diet.

Percent (in weigh)
Broken Wheat/Maize
Rice dust
Sesame cake
Dried fish powder
Soybean meal
Protein concentrate
Bones powder
Vitamins minerals mixer

Food pot should be 60 – 70 cm long, 23 cm with and 7.5 cm high. 20 poultry can take food at a time from both sides.

Food demand: Generally one piece of poultry eats food as follows. We have to increase food gradually.
Age (Weeks)
Demand of food
10 gm
23 gm
39 gm
53 gm
65 gm
83 gm
93 gm
108 gm

Diseases preventing system:
Outsider can enter into the house.
Ill poultry instantly separated from others.
Broiler Poultry always care a fixed person.
The person wears a fixed dress when entered into the poultry farm.
We have to wash our hands and legs with germs destructive medicine water.
Died poultry instantly buried apart from the farm.
Vaccination program of Broiler Poultry:
We have to vaccinate the Broiler Poultry as follows.

Brooding materials of Broiler Poultry:
Brooder can made of wood, tin or hard board. 200 – 250 pieces of Broiler Poultry babies can preserve under 1 meter of circular border. Brooder house can made of normal materials such as roof is made of straw or hay and fence is made of tin or hard board. We can heat the brooder house by electric bulb or other materials like kerosene lights or heater. If we heat the house by infrared bulb then germs will vanished.
Brooding or heat: In this system the Broiler Poultry babies are heated is called Brooding. Except brooder temperature can control by electricity or rice husk.
Age (weeks)
Temperature (0C)
1 st
2 nd
3 rd
4 th
5 th
6 th
Normally they don’t need to control the temperature after 4 weeks of age.
   Chick Guard: It is a circular fence with 3 meters of circular length and 0.5 meter high made of tin or hard board to guard chicks. So it is called Chick Guard. We have to increase the length of the guard according to the age of baby chicks. It can remove after 2 weeks of their age.
     Food Pots: At the time of brooding chicks have to feed on tray for the first 2 days. Then we can use small pots and after 4 weeks of age use big pots for feeding. We have to clean the water pots regularly. 
L  Light: In brooding house needs sufficient light so that chicks can see food pots and water pots in day and night time. So we have to manage the light like electric bulbs or kerosene lights.
     Ventilation: We have to make the brooder house in such a way that fresh air can pass through easily.
Temperature Control Methods:
I   If the chicks of Broiler Poultry move in the Chick Guard equally then we have to decide that the temperature of the brooder or house is normal for the chicks. So we should not change the temperature.
I  if the chicks of Broiler Poultry gather to the side of the Chick Guard then we have to decide that the temperature of the brooder or house is higher for the chicks. So we should reduce or decrease the temperature.
     If the chicks of Broiler Poultry gather near the light or heater then we have to decide that the temperature of the brooder or house is lower for the chicks. So we should increase the temperature.
Materials of Brooder house: The main materials of brooder house for 100 chicks are as follows.
     Total area of brooder house is 9 sq. meters.
     Food pots area are 254 sq. cm. for the first 0 – 2 weeks of age.
     Food pots area are 380 sq. cm. for the first 2 – 6 weeks of age.
4 water pots of 2 liters for the fist 10 days.
8 water pots of 2 liters for after 10 days up to 6 weeks of age.

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