Thursday, July 12, 2012


Raising Growing Layer Poultry:
2 – 4 months aged poultry is called Growing Poultry. In this time we should take care of them very well. If they grow well at that time they lay eggs for a long time being. Some of the fruitful Layer Poultry breeds are as follows. 
1. High-sex Brown
2. High-sex White
3. Star Cross Brown
4. Lehman
5. Isa Brown
6. Hi Line
7. Star Cross – 579
8. Herbard
If we rear any breeds of the above scientifically it gives us 280 eggs (each of which is 60 – 65 gm weight) every year.

Chart of balance diet at the age of 8 – 16 weeks:
Percent (in weigh)
Broken Wheat
Wheat husk
Rice dust
Dried fish powder
Sesame cake
Oyster powder
Vitamins minerals mixer
A growing poultry need 70 – 80 gm of food everyday. And vitamins minerals premix is mixed with them.

Duties for Growing Poultry:
1. We have to clean and dry the litter before poultry is in the house.
2. We have to wash the poultry house with germ destructive medicine before poultry is in the house.
3. We have to scatter new litter, husk or wood powder after drying the floor.
4. We have to ensure food pots and water pots always neat and clean.
5. We have to increase the floor area according to the number of poultry.
6. Low aged chicks are not allowed in growing poultry.
7. Layer Poultry start to lay eggs at the age of 5 month. At this time we have to observe their food, water and housing.
8. We have to vaccinate them all the items at proper time.
9. At the age of 17 – 19 weeks they have to chance for laying. Before that growing poultry need all medicine. If there are lice then we have to spray germ destructive medicine.

Rearing of Broiler Poultry:
Generally rearing range of Broiler Poultry is 21 – 76 weeks of age. At that time they need balance diet, pure water and fresh environment. Then it will be profitable.

Chart of balanced diet at the age of 16 weeks above:
Percent (in weigh)
Broken Wheat
Wheat husk
Rice dust
Dried fish powder
Sesame cake
Oyster powder
Vitamins minerals mixer
Every Layer eats 110 – 120 gm food every day. Vitamins and Minerals will mix with them. Layer food needs 16% crude protein. 

Duties for Layer Poultry:
1. We have to wash the poultry house and all the furniture of the house with germ destructive medicine/pesticides before poultry is in the house.
2. Wash all food and water pots regularly so that there is no dirty things any more.
3. We should light with 40 – 60 watts bulbs when they lay eggs.
4. At the age of 17 – 19 weeks they have chance for laying eggs. Then they are taken to the layer house. And they need balance diet. At that time they need extra oyster powder in order to supply the want of calcium.
5. In the time of laying eggs the artificial light time limit will have to increase. They need at least 16 hours of light in a day.
6. We have to collect eggs 2 – 3 times in a day.
7. We have to feed poultry warm destructive medicine in time.
8. We have to alternate litter 2 – 3 times in a week and mix lime with litter.
9. Normally poultry should sell at the age of 75 -76 weeks.

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